‘My husband will be the only man not scared of me’
‘My husband will be the only man not scared of me’
I love the story of how Alexis Ohanian and Serena Williams met.
They were in Rome, and both late for breakfast. Alexis was sitting at a table, and a man from Serena’s team told him that they was a rat below his chair. He’s from Brooklyn, he’s not afraid of rats he said.
Serena was sitting nearby ‘you’re not afraid of rats?’ – and they started talking.
Serena invited him to come and see her in Paris – an ‘LA invite’ as he says. One of those invites you usually don’t take seriously. Except he is a businessman, he seizes the opportunities.
He then goes to Paris and they manage to spend time together, namely at the Zoo in Jardin des Plantes (I used to live close to there!).
Then have a walk around, and then it’s feeding time, and they’re feeding a dead bunny to a wild animal. And then Alexis could feel that Serena was uneasy with the scene, so he got closer to her. And that’s when he knew he had an opening.
What I love about this story is that Alexis met one of the most prominent PERSONS on Earth. Serena Williams is like, a queen in her own right. And still, he went for it. He accepted the invitation, he was standing by her when she was a bit scared. He didn’t think : she’s too independent, she’s too strong, she has too much ego. He thought (and he says it a lot) that it was a privilege to get this close to such an amazing athlete.
Most men I meet feel a kind of threat with me. I can sense it. At first, they’re fascinated. But then, when it’s time to take the next step, it’s ‘to much’ or ‘too fast’. When it’s not my intensity, it’s my ambition that scares them. Or it’s my honesty. Or the fact that I’m happy and content on my own. Or the fact that I REALLY want a family, that it’s no joke for me.
My husband will be the man who is not scared of me. The one who hangs around long enough to realize that I do, in fact, need him, even though I have a beautiful life. The man whose fascination will transform into admiration and not competition.
I’ve chased men a lot in my life. I desperately wanted them to see me.
But now I know they will self-select themselves. The one who will WANT to see me fully, and will not feel threaten or want to dominate me will be the one winning.
In the meantime, I’ll be carrying on with my life. I am out there, in the world. Online and offline.
If he cares to find me, he will.
Source of the story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_aqaxtAMbs

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Écrivain, coach en relations et en sexualité, spécialisée en soin des traumas.
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